Bizarre Medical Treatments – part 1
When a male patient comes to My kinky clinic with an unusual strain of a virus, we must both dress in heavy rubber for protection. In order to isolate the problem, I ask him probing personal questions. He is reluctant at first, but once he divulges his peculiar activities, the source of his problems becomes clear. The examination starts by clamping his tongue and spitting in his mouth. His confession reveals he’s been in a dark basement with approximately ten other men performing oral sexual acts. When he tells Me, I notice swelling in the groin area so I investigate with My vibrating wand.

Bizarre Medical Treatments – part 2
When this hopeless male patient comes to My clinic with a strange virus, he makes a shocking revelation. It seems he may have contracted something from the rendez-vous he had in a dark basement with ten other men. Both dressed in heavy rubber for our protection, I start examining him with a urethral sound. While giving him an intense sounding, I glide it in and out of his peehole verbally debasing him the whole time. After poking and prodding him anally with My fingers, the stimulation intensifies until I get the sperm sample. I feed some of it to him in shame, but the rest goes to the lab for analysis.